I wonder if the "Weejie" told them anything, since they lost the instructions.
They'll never find them, I threw this paper into the fire and burned it.
There's enough craziness in the world without trying to bring more from the 'other side' - imagined or not.
I think I would have done the same thing!
I'm glad you burned it. I remember it gave me the creeps.
A little scary to think people do stuff like that over there.
A deep bow in respect of your being and this entry of yours. There are various advertisments over here, offering to "read in coffee", selling amulets etc., to solve ones problems and much more.
Grateful for your action, which I gladly would like to use as a role-model. Please have a nice Wednesday.
daily athens
My Mother always said that was one game that wasn't coming into her house, and we never allowed it either. LOL Perhaps superstitious, but better to be safe than sorry later. Have a wonderful week-end.
Be careful it doesn't turn out to be like the "JUMANJI" ;-)
I played with those when younger, and didn't find them creepy, they simply never worked. If they had, I doubt I would have trusted what they said.
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