I've always thought Steve Morse was the best guitarist of all time. We were stationed in Kirchgoens, Germany in the late 80's, and heard that Kansas (the group) was to be performing there while on a USO sponsored tour. Steve Morse was the lead guitarist!!! They were going to spend the night at one of the guest houses on post.
The morning of the concert dawned cold and wet, yet I was determined to get the autograph of Steve Morse! I stood outside the guest house just after light, drenched in the freezing rain, holding my precious album and CD. Time passed. The door opened! It wasn't Steve Morse. It was a guy with really long hair in a pony tail, dressed in running gear. We talked for a moment, I told him the most scenic run around post ... he loped away. I waited. More time passed. Finally, the door opened again. STEVE MORSE!!!!! Would you please sign my CD and my album? He was most gracious and friendly. And he signed. Then he left. I went home to change my cold drenched clothing.
That evening, at a sparsely attended concert (seriously, there were only like a hundred people there!) - we had front row dancing seats. As the band came onstage ... remember that guy with the long hair? The one that wanted to know about jogging trails? The one I ignored so I could get to STEVE MORSE??? He was the lead singer. Yep, and I didn't even get his autograph! Silly me. Of course my teenage sister Leigh (she lived with us in Germany for a time) jumped on stage and got hugs from the entire band.
The only song I remember clearly is when we all held lighters and swayed with "Dust in the Wind" - which is still one of my favorite songs of all time.