Saturday, January 2, 2010


I'm not sure why, but this ad just cracked me up! The things we women have gone through for the sake of "beauty" and being slender.

And the built-in torpedo bra!!!

Must have been invented by a man!

Snicker, snort.


Lois said...

All that for only $4.98! It looks very uncomfortable.

Carole said...

I love old advertising. It gives us a peek into another era. There were (and still are) some uncomfortable contraptions around, but nothing like the corset must have been!

Not a full body one, but I remember my mother wearing a girdle from time to time.

Btw, if you're talking about the IKEA by Portland Airport, that's the one we go to. About 30 miles away for us too, but worth the trip every now and again.

Beth Niquette said...

Ahaahahahaaa.....torpedo bra! Goodness! Can you imagine? I remember having to wear garter belts to which were affixed our netted hose. (grin) Oooooh, those things were uncomfortable!!!

Could not imagine the benefits of wearing a torpedo bra! Argh!