It had been signed by the author ... to "Draven".
I found a Facebook entry that led me to Draven's full name ...
This morning, to my surprise, I got a comment from Draven on the post!
"You found my book? I lost it at a doctor's appointment and thought it was lost for good. Josh became a friend of mine, and is a wonderfully talented comic book writer, as well as author. I admire his drive very much. Did you like the book?
I still write a lot and have been published a few times, but it will take time before I 'make it.' College is next on the horizon, along with a fantasy series I am currently writing.
Draven Ames"
How exciting is THAT???
This is what I envisioned happening when I started this blog of obscure stuff I have "found"!
Note to Draven: I read the book and thought it was very good!
Now my question ... would you like your book back?
I found your e-mail address, so I will be in touch!!!