There is a story here ...
Late one night (around midnight) I heard a commotion at the abandoned church across the street. I went outside to listen. What I heard was ... dozens of flip-flops ... running full tilt down the road. Yep, a whole herd of teenagers apparently spooked themselves in the building and were running for their lives. Snicker.
The next morning I saw something on the road leading up to the building. It was a wallet! I picked it up and found it belonged to a 16-year-old high school student from a nearby town. Presumably one of the runners.
I called the police and told them what had happened. Twenty minutes later a deputy showed up and took possession of the wallet. He said he looked forward to locating the owner. I told him he should look for the owner's parents instead ... the deputy snickered and said 'yeah, that's what I meant". Boy would I have liked to have been a fly on the wall listening to that particular conversation!!!