Who could this cute little kid be?
Yep, it's me!!!
1964 ... I would have been 3 years old.
I don't think I was reading that book, I must have been looking at the pictures.

I treasure this picture.
What joy on my face!
That cute little boy is my brother Dow.
He would have been about 5.
He is wrapped up in so many of my childhood memories ... we were best friends.
He died when I was 40.
I still miss him -- every day.

Flash forward to me at age 11.
That's when my wonderful little sister Leola was born.
I call her "honey". She calls me "honey". Her daughter calls me "Auntie Honey".
I love her so much!
I have to stop here, I can't see the monitor anymore through my tears.
to Al over at "Sunday Scans".
He's the reason I dug out my old photo albums ...
My wonderful old memories ...
Of times and people long gone.
Please join us at "Sunday Scans" - and show us YOUR old stuff!
And Tina over at "Goodies For a Pleasant Life" is hosting a month-long meme called "Memories". So post a memory, and join us as we share what has made us who we are today.