This is the final letter from Vern to his parents.
I will miss them.
Thank you for letting me share this delightful family.
I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have!
I will miss them.
Thank you for letting me share this delightful family.
I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have!

Hi - folks.
I got here (just) fine. got here 7 in the moreing (morning) left there about 3'o clock yestery (yesterday) evenney (evening).
Got in Colfax washington then Pullman and just started to storm hard I mene it just come poreing down, no not rain, I mene snow.
Im sure glad now I left when I did, huh.
I never used them chang (chains) at all tho other then that the car whent very slow but studdy (steady) thought (through) about 6 inch of dampa kind of snow.
All the way to Colfax. from Kingston, the hi-ways

where all nice and dry. Like smer (summer?) Hi-ways, olny then the wind just blue and blue relley hard I had a sacso (?) the weel a lot, from Spokane to Colfax. and just as soon as I got to Plomer it just started to began to storm.
So I got a little bitt scook (shook) up about then. that snow makes me disze (dizzy) you know, to drive in it anyway.
So I was scooh-up about then. and (dead mans fase) was allso bad at that time. Nampa, hasent got any snow to spek of oanlee little paches here and there. you got some more to huh I herd on the readeo (radio) just now. My garsh what wheather you've been geting gee whose.
Well thats all now.
Vern Meligan

Such a happy guy - cute smile!
He did really well with the car in the snow though, I think.
He did really well with the car in the snow though, I think.